Easy Fees Mangement

Place Fees Invoice

Prepare semester wise fees structure.

Fees Pending & Forecasting

  • Be trouble free from Fees collection work with minimal man power
  • Your command enables the features to flow the data efficiently
  • Entire Fees Collection Operation is done with Paper free work
  • Consolidated Fees Collection, Deduction given list, Students Fee Paid details can be taken instantly
  • Reports like Fees Pending & Forecasting help to retrieve the unpaid students’ details & to analyse the pending fee yet to collect in the Academic Year
  • Ability to track & post the student records as such in Admission, Promotion etc up to relieving
  • Categorize the fees structure according to your accounting purpose
  • Pre – defined valuable reports can be exported to excel format which leads you to prepare customized report as per your school requirement

Single User/ Multi User SAAS Environment

  • Special features like Part Payment and Fees Deduction at the time of collecting the fees can be implemented
  • Fees structure can be assigned for various types of student in the same class or as user defined
  • Fees settings can be done for Monthly, Bi – Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Yearly
  • Separate receipt number for each Fees Category will be generated
  • Students’ promotion / retaining entry can be done
  • Fees structure can be taken for all / specific class
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